
Well, it's a blog, you know the drill.

Let's do a bit more testing, shall we?

Can we put an image in there

A sculpture of a baby elephant, sitting on the street, in London

A poster plastered on the wall, it's black and white, showing two hands holding a representation of the earth, engulfed in flames, around them, a series of large lines all pointing to the bottom center of the image, add to the impression of urgency. At the bottom, the lettering "you can panic". Someone wrote on the continents, with a small marker, "climate change is not real", the poster is slightly scratched, someone might have tried to remove it

Picture of a building, made of bricks, in london

These images are hosted on google photos, and integrated using markdown, the process to get a link to a google photo image takes a few steps, but is not too hard: – first you have to share a picture, or a series of pictures, with a public link – open that link, and select the (or a, if you shared mulitple ones) picture from the gallery to view it. – right click it, copy the link to the image, or open the image in a new tab, and copy the link from url (or right click) from there. – type ![]() in your blog post. – paste the link to the image inside the parentheses. – type an image description inside the brackets. – if you want the description to be visible when the mouse overs the image, you can add it again, after the url, inside quotes. – the end result will look like ![this is an image description](https://example.com/url/to/image.jpeg "this is the image title") – you are done!

Testing this nice piece of software.

Well, it's not vim, i can tell you that, but indeed it's still comfortable to write and read, certainly a good place to dump one's thoughts without too much complication.

I used to have a blog somewhere, should i try to unhearth these old posts? Not sure, a couple posts were interresting, i think, but half is probably mostly outdated, anyway.

Anyway, one thing i'm not totally sure about this software, is the localisation situation, i don't see anyway to set up the language in configuration, but it seems to display some parts of the UI in french (like dates), to please my browser's settings surely, but other elements seem to be in English.